Monday 18 June 2018

Compare And Contrast

Well a few weeks ago compared to now

My Right Hand *Is* Getting Better

And today I finished on the loo, stood up, pulled my zip up with my right hand

We're Off In A Bit.....

And I have no excuse today, no Headway meeting happening in Swansea or anything. So we have to go to the Water Works in Leisure Centre which is a shorter but more intense session in the pool
Well wasn't that intense. Tne class was taken by (The Beautiful) Sam, for whatever reason, and she ran us back and forward for 45 minutes
Now half was thru she did say "Work harder, make your hearts beat" and I was too breathless to say "My heart is beating so much because you are here today"

No, Neil

And in my puzzlement about how we made the pics of Sam into one I suspect that I thought I knew the answer wrong. I suspect that picture is an old fashioned pre-digital photo.
So gord nose how we did it