Tuesday 11 April 2017

Out With Freya

And then tonight at short notice we are taking Freya out for dinner. I think we shall go to Pizza Express tonight, then come back here for some birthday cake. THEN she is heading back to MCR in a couple of days
No, we didn't come back for birthday cake as we had an pudding after tea

Busy Morning

A very busy morning. First of all me&Timmy headed over to the Chemist by the Drs to get my sockings, the ones we tried to get last week and they said "Come back later". Then we popped to B&Q and bought a spade and shovel for digging the garden with and a new laundry hanger out device and a stand for it. THEN we went to the gym and I did that cycling for 10km exercise. Before lunch Timmy put the washing line together as I am now capable of walking across the stones to reach it. We took apart the old washing line a couple of years ago as I wasn't fit to walk there then


So I was sat outside and a passer by passed by and his dog had a bit of a dig in the corner of the garden and made a mess. I thought "HELP" but before I shouted I thought "No Neil, try it yourself, it's not that hard". So I set down my Kindle device, walked over, bent down and was able to brush it all off by hand. So actually it was easy
I am so much more capable week after week