Thursday 7 May 2015

Moishe's Do

Then tonight we headed out to see Moishe's do, to fund raise for her trip to Canada. Basically there was an ongoing auction of various goods and services that had been donated but I was way too tight fisted to be involved in the hundreds of quids being raised. Between times there were various muso's and entertainers who were also well worth it.
I sat next to Julia who was there with Freya and also saw Stuart and loadsa folk that I don't know as well but have met before. 
The beautiful woman who was due to work for me but couldn't fit it in was there too

Waste Energy

So GGtGG and I were talking and I said "Wot?" he said "Have you never heard of..." and I said "No"
Talk about wasting energy etc


And as me and my chap got stuck into the crossword together today, I had done about 50% of it before he arrived and we finished the complete crossword s'morning.
They call this one "quick", it is much too difficult for us normal chaps.....


And as I am walking today I am making the special effort to bend my right knee just a fraction after I have put my right heel down. Which is making a big difference, walking is easier/better