Thursday 22 August 2013

Clever Freya

Then s'evening I was guested by my very clever daughter. Gosh, is she mine as she is so clever, 6A*, 2A and 4B's. She can't be mine

Summer again

Gosh, yesterday I had to wear another garment but today it is back to just t-shirt, summer has come back

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone


So I went off and did my bit s'morning. Today I was inputting data about members into the PC. It has worn me out loads so bed early then that Freya, who is obviously cleverer than me is coming over to gloat about O-level results

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

No Breakfast Tomorrow

So tomorrow I have gotta have NO breakfast as I am going to the docs first thing for some checkups 

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

FTP crisis

So I made up another web page then panicked, I couldn't remember how to upload it.
Panic over, Alex said......, so thank f**k I remember again