Thursday 3 March 2011

Tai Chi

And I went to Tai Chi in a taxi s'evening, met Jackie there. Dunno if it was harder than usual or I was more tired than usual after pushing myself back from the place I voted or what


So this morning I thought "Oh my new splint is much too hard to use, where did I put the old one?", found it, put it on. Yes, it is much easier to get on but my ankle feels naked with it on, the more difficult one was obviously doing a much better job too, so I guess I'd better go back to using it

Link To Mid Page

So after reading a webpage I now know how to make a link go to the middle of one of my pages. A demonstration is on and it sez 'Anchors' as the link to be clicked


And today I am entitled to vote on a referendum about the Welsh government
And I did, it felt good being a citizen once more
But I am flippin' exhausted, the MOS that I had accompanying me was also pushing another, not able to use his feet, voter so I only asked for help when I was stuck, so she only pushed me about 2m on the way back, up the slight but long hill


So s'morning I woke up and got up about a quarter to eight
