Saturday 9 June 2018

Not Usual Sheets

So I woke up s'morning and changed my bed. Usually we wash and put the sheets back on the bed. But today when the washing finishes we will be off at a Headway Swansea meeting which I will come back from and need straight into bed. So I explored, found the other sheets and asked GGtGG to fit them
Fark. Well me and MagicMark left here about quarter past 10 and drove for ages to get there. As I didn't have to stop for 2 pisses on the way summat is better but they has been the case for ages now. Anyway we arrived, first of all got into a big room with loadsa folk sitting about, had a brew and "chat with strangers" (as instructed) then we had a nice lunch. THEN we headed thru into the god botherers area where we sat at the back of the church playing all kinds of instruments. After an hour of playing about we decided to write a song. (Noisy) Which was good clean fun
It was nearly 5pm before we got back, luckily (after late bath and nap) I had a saucepan full of "prepared yesterday" food