Thursday 7 October 2010


And when I got clean tonight I got dried and tried on a pair of trousers that, last time I tried them, were too small. Now they are not too small but a perfect fit. So new trousers!!!!

Bite Your Lip

When I was in the dentist they said "Be careful you don't bite your lip as it is numb", I thought "No problem I didn't bite my lip last time", then later I found my teeth right in my lip, ah, I did bite it then. Oh, I can't wait until the numbness wears off and my f*c*in' lip hurts
And phew, it is feelable now and hurts a bit but not too much


Going to the Dentist in about 50 minutes, scared although he was very kind and good last time I am just scared of Dentists.
And it didn't hurt but now half my mouth is numb etc. She was sounding puzzled but managed to make a difference

Walkies For Now

So ever since I got out of bed this morning I have been walking, without a 'stick, but this afternoon when I go to the dentist I will be sitting in a wheelchair as I feel it is a bit too scary for on foot. Yet
And gosh but this walking is hard work but I need to practice and learn more
But next time at dentist I won't need my wheelchair

...Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

I woke up at 5.50 s'morning