Saturday 7 May 2016

Luck Or Skill

Taking this pic under my porch tonight. Luck or judgement?


And s'morning GGtGG said "I have just been talking to your neighbours and they wondered it they can come and see your kitchen floor as they might want a new one?"
So they popped over later and were well, vocally, impressed with my new tiled floor. So I suspect they might be contacting the fitter....

Dinner Where?

So we had dinner in the kitchen/dining area tonight and already it doesn't feel like a novelty. I am used to it again, phew


After a conversation about fattening foods that I had t'other day I thought "I haven't tasted that for nearly 15 years" so tonight I tried it with my Sweet Potato Oven Chips. Mayonnaise and Chips. I had forgotten how good it tasted (even tho it's not doing me much good) just yum yum it was

Walkies In Town

Then s'afternoon I was feeling a bit twitchy and GGTGG said we needed some shopping so we drove to town parked on Lammas St opposite the new Aardvark and set off walking to Wilko's. We went in there got about half way to the back when GGTGG said "I need to go right to the back of the shop for some XXX. Wanna wait here?" But I said "No, it's theraputic" and followed him right to the back for some goods. Then we queued up and paid then left. On the way back to the car I said "Aah,  Poundshop, want..." so we went in there and walked around until we found what I required. Then we queued, paid etc then walked back to the car. On the way GGTGG commented on how different it feels being in town with no wheelchair.

Lunch In Kitchen/Diner

Then today we, me & GGTGG, sat in the dining area to have our lunch, for the first time in nearly a week. It felt good

Beginnings Of Back To Normal

So my MOS is coming in early today so "the two of them" can get stuck into putting furniture back etc into the kitchen. So hopefully breakfast today will be my last meal in "there". IIRC they can't put the washing machine back until tomorrow as it counts as heavy so...
No, mistaken I was. They were saying that yesterday, to today is tomorrow IYSWIM. 3 loads of washing done and dried and put away today