Monday, 9 December 2013


And I can't have a cuppa or any breakfast in't morning. We have to go to the Drs first thing and she is gonna take some blood then we will come back and I can have breakfast


So I had a play with the version of ....shh.... that Stupot sent me and then I downloaded Arachriphilia as recommended by Mike and it looks promising so far
Right, more, I downloaded BlueGriffon as recommended by Liam and it is my favourite so far
Well, just no to them all, I got more and more pissed off with them all. So I  downloaded a fresh version of PageBreeze which still isn't perfect but it is now 17 times quicker than the old version


So Sara phoned me s'morning and said "When and where?", I explained that gym was too much hard work because of my infections, so she came here to do loadsa practice, including a step and walk on narrow device which I managed

Good Hat

As we were leaving the house s'morning Gareth called 'Hello' to the new neighbours. They looked round, laughed and said 'Good hat', his Christmas one

Busy Morning

So we went to Morrison's first thing today and bought another weeks food.
In a bit we are off to gym to see The Beautiful Sara and see if she can up my exercises