Monday 19 December 2011

Burry Port

Burry Port Folk Club tonight, I didn't sing owt despite many requests and I didn't have too much to drink


This afternoon I went for a nap, took off my boots and taking Paul's advice from yeaterday I undid all the laces in the right boot from top to bottom. Then I had a nap, sat back up and reached for my boots. The right one I was nearly putting it on by myself, I paused, put on the straightforward left one then tried again. And YES, I was able to put the right boot on and then tie it by myself. The first time I have ever been able to do that since I got my new splint and boots!!


Then later (it seems much later as I have been up for hours) that Ed chap came in, put my splint on for me etc, then took me to Morrisons to do the small rest of the weeks shopping. Now we are back at home and hoping to go back out after lunch (when hopefully it's drier) to buy some bits for my toothbrush
We have already phoned the airline and checked that when I clicked on "wheelchair" that they paid attention
Then we went to Superdrug to get more heads for my electric toothbrush, and it was half the price of buying 'em online. Half!!!


So s'morning after lying awake for a bit, got dressed etc, sat outside for a bit, was half way thru eating an enormous bowl of breakfast when the alarm clock went off

Weird Dream

And when I was asleep last night I seemed to think that the batteries had fallen out of my camera, I had put them together but had 2 pieces left over. When I woke up my camera was still in my bag and functioning