Monday 11 December 2017

On The Motorway

So I was bimbling along the motorway today, the emergency telephone caught my eye. I was thinking they must be used 96% less than they were 20 years ago as most folk have a mobile phone nowadays but they are still an important emergency feature

Not Swimming

So we are popping to Headway Swansea at lunchtime today for the last meeting of the year. C/W raffle, mince-pies etc
I won a prize last year, will I be so lucky this year?
Well it wasn't as bad as I expected. I did some bonding etc even tho we were playing the awful "improve your mind" games. At least I won the second go.... After games we had Mint Spys and a cuppa. It was the first Mince Pie I have had in nearly a year and I did enjoy it. Then during the raffle, which did cost me some quids, I did win a prize again.