Sunday 13 January 2013


Mmm, not sure but perhaps my PC is a bit happier and quicker after I loaded a new program called Malwarebytes Anti-Malware which after it's first scan today ejected some 86 programs after I had checked them out

3 lbs

And Dicky weighed me today, well he watched while I weighed myself, and in the last week I have lost 3 pounds, exactly on target and at the right speed

More Reason's To Shop At....

And as my timetable was looking a bit full tomorrow what with gym etc I decided that we should go shopping a day early so we went to Morrison's and got a weeks shopping.
Including a bottle of whiskey which I mustn't drink and of until after midnight tonight


And last night when I went to bed, with the central heating turning off about the same time same as usual, I noticed that it was much colder in the bedroomm than usual