Friday 13 January 2017


Lordy. So s'afternoon after Sam's class we came str8 back and I got ready for bath/nap. I woke up and GGtGG spent 10 or 20 minutes doing various creams then I went into the kitchen and started cooking. We ate, didn't have time for pudding or to wash up just headed straight out to theatre, parked, walked in and as I was having a pee before sitting down a speaker said "2 minutes to show".
And it was excellent, well entertaining and after we came back someone had to do the washing up.
Lordy, talk about just having enough time to do what we needed to do.....
And it occurs to me morning after that I just sat down in a proper persons, normal, seat and at the end I just stood up again, no problem, I don't require assistance nowadays

I Could Walk Again

And in my weekly class I had mastered that walking thing again, the one I hadn't been able to do for a couple of days. So Timmy was right when he said yesterday "Dunno, perhaps throw away these FES pads. They don't feel too bad but it might be..."
Well the rest of the class was as much of a challenge as ever but as Sam said "You didn't used to be able to do this..."


So today I will have my only class of the week with Sam. I hope that I am well enuf, that my cold has gone. Then later I need to cook bang on time because immediately after dinner time we are heading to Llanelli to see the Panto

Not Bad

So on the list of things I need to order from the docs occasionally I added "Pressure stockings" which are relatively new. OK, the writing isn't excellent but I am a bit impressed with how legible it is, written with my right hand