Thursday 24 March 2016

More Reasons To Shop At.....

Then we went to Morrison's and did my weeks shopping (2 trips worth) and (apart from chocolate) I only had to buy 2 portions of veg that were not organic, everything else was, so hopefully they will learn and increase the organic range
And I am fscking exhausted after big walking, so I will just sit here for half an hour and recover slightly before making dinner


Then earlier when I was in gym I was listening to the radio that was playing everywhere.  Some advert said "Any service, Carmarthen" but I couldn't remember the phone number. As I was going to phone then up and say 'Can you find me a girlfriend, please'

That's My Blood

And I walked into the hospital today and queued for literally 4 minutes before being called in to the blood taker. Who was a plumber in his other life, done much of Llangain and sez its the same, stop pipes leaking in both jobs. So they will test that then post results to my Dr who I will see on Tuesday morning

Half Gym

So I went to gym with Timmy and got stuck into biking. I had gone half target (gone 5km) when I stopped and said to Timmy "Can I stop now", he said "No, because..." and eventually talked me into finishing, I started trying to cycle again and the machine sed "You have been stopped for too long, see you" so I did half of my hour cycling

Can't Watch It

Sorry, I turned on the news and they said "Brussels....... Brussels....... Brussels....... Brussels" and I had to turn it off, it was too upsetting


Aha, I have just noticed how straight my wrist looks in this pic. I wasn't concentrating on keeping it straight, it just is!!