Saturday 10 December 2011


And we were so busy today that I had no time for a nap. I promised Timmy that I would have one after tea but I have been so busy catching up with the day that it is now much too late to nap and I have just put my dinner on't table.So I will have to see how I feel as the night goes on
And it is a quarter to ten now, I am still awake but thinking of bed soon. So yes, I am a couple of hours missing

What A Day #58 (3)

Then when we were on the way back we went, got Toby and took him to the Hospital to meet his new baby sister which was making me a bit emotional but went well. I wasn't allowed in to see them as non family members are only allowed in briefly but it went well anyway

What A Day #58 (2)

Then we stopped and had lunch in a motorway services as it was getting late

What A Day #58

So Timmy came in s'morning, faffed about for a bit then took me to Pedalpower in Cardiff. Firstly we had a conference as last time I was there I needed a special pedal on the RHS to protect my foot etc but since then I have a new splint and there is no need for any of that nonsense, I just get on a bike and go. It was excellent, I cycled for three quarters of an hour. The only issue I had was that the pedals were about 1mm too close to the seat so my right leg was hurting for 10 degrees of a circuit but not by much