Thursday 9 March 2017

Going Where

And Timmy said to me today "There is a gig at Pembroke Castle, the Bootleg Beatles and Bootleg Beachboys, playing, there is access to a disabled part, with a loo........" so we booked it for me and whoever is working on that date to go and have fun!!! Their new Pettycash paid for their half and mine paid for the rest, apparently it is a going out therapy so...... So it is in future, the 15th July but waiting now....


Then after we had brought the shopping home and put it away we headed to the gym. First of all I was walking quickly upstairs (after a long conversation with Timmy about how I walk better when going slower but it is supposed to be a cardiac machine so just go fast). I was due to do 10 minutes and I decided to pause after 7.5 mins to catch my breath but I just pressed pause and stopped walking. The machine stops more slowly so I just was thrown off down the way. No bad injuries just a small cut on my shin

But I did climb up 12 flights of stairs before falling all the way down
After sitting down to catch my breath for a couple of minutes I went on a rowing machine and did almost loads but I objected a bit because my hand is no longer working as it did before as I had a Botox injection there last week
So generally it was a bit of a disaster but I survived

Busy Morning

So first of all s'morning we were lucky enough to find a parking space across the road (a disabled space) from The Warren which my veg was delivered to as Iechyd Da is shut for a week. Actually first thing I got an email from them saying "Your veg has been delivered" and I was rather impressed with the place generally. So next week (when not so busy) we will head down to a games night and see how it is
Then we popped to the Drs to fetch my asthma 'script
Then (more) we went to Morrisons and bought the rest of my shopping, including "stay cold" items which is why we went to Drs. first