Friday, 30 October 2015




Just wow again, how much better am I at my Tofustring exercises this week...

Second Things

So I went to my only class @ gym at lunchtime today. Again small improvements, I didn't used to be able to step onto the trampoline thing with my right foot, it was too high, now I can. Also doing the hold on and get down to the floor. I couldn't do it at all a few weeks ago, now I get down, crawl backwards, turn over and get into a sitting position on the floor then reverse the actions and pick myself up from the floor.

First Things First

So s'morning we nipped to Aardvark (*) and did my weeks shopping, milk, yoghurt, veg etc. While we were in there another woman came in shopping, it was Ann(e) who with Graham owned and ran it when I worked there

(*) We had to park out the back again, luckily they don't mind important customers parking there although you are not supposed to
It's all done now, quiet few minutes then off to my once a week gym class in a bit