Friday 20 March 2015

Too Much

And today has been much too busy, with stuff I need to absorb etc


And today the plumbers made their first visit. So today they were just cleaning out the system, before changing over to a new boiler. They did all that and the radiator in my bedroom has started working again, it must have been just clogged up with `dirt`
But it works!!! Hoo-flipping-ray....


Then we went to gym and did a load of exercises. I didn't take my wheelchair this time. Someone commented about how much better I am, at a guess I forget and just carry on.
Then afterwards GGtGG insisted that I cycle for 10 minutes


And Denyse phoned me s'morning. Said "Can u come to Cardiff for our meeting next week instead of my coming to yours?" and more to the point told me that the sale of my house is all going thru, next Wed or Thursday I will be a home owner


And we went Aardvarking s'morning, did it all on my own two feet. We left my 'chair outside as we had to park miles away and walk.
 'Cos it was free parking there


And we were able to look at the eclipse thru Timmys sunglasses today and it did look incredible if still a smidge bright


And I could eat s'morning without too much hassle
And I forgot at lunchtime and just started chewing with both sides of my mouth


And I was up at 6.09 s'morning for a pee and I didn't need to switch the light on, it was bright enough that I could just see then