Tuesday 23 January 2018


And after pouring down with rain all morning it has brightened up now so I think we will head over to 'Mens-shed' tonight
OK it has not "brightened up" now as it's dark but I think we will head over
Oh and didn't it go well. There were a lot fewer of us which actually helped me when we were in the back having a brew. I did more sanding, I think I have done all that I can with the sander, it's just down to sandpaper now, which "they" supply. I think another week or 2 sanding then we get on to the coating. THEN the decorating and cutting the top to fit

To Buy A Fat Pig

Then we had to nip to Morrison's to buy some more milk as they didn't have any with a long enough best before date when I bought it last Thursday
When we had done that, and RoyGBiv bought more tea and coffee for the staffroom, we headed down to gym (surprise, surprise) and I did an enormously long 10km cycle, which I think I beat my 'fastest cycle' time 

Double Figures

Oooooh, it must be the first hint of spring, it was double figures temperature s'morning