Thursday 9 January 2014

Glass Wine

And 2 whisk(e)y


So we went to Neath/Port Talbot Hospital for my injections, so now my right hand (fingers) and arm should start working again in a few days. We did slightly different injections this time, we ignored my wrist as it is good but we injected the shoulder for the first time, so hopefully next week I should be able to move my right arm as well as I move the left for the first time in nearly 12 years
But they wouldn't jab my leg as it might still have the last of an infection (she thought) so I have an appt with my doctor tomorrow then when it is completely better my doctor can phone them and I will go again for my jab

More Hot Water

And there was no hot water again. So Timmy turned it off and on again, still nowt. So he turned it off, left it for 5 minutes then turned it back on again, still nowt.
So SmallPaul, my new MOS, is phoning the landlord as we speak
And "we" have had to turn off the water as it is dripping now
Double God. So when we came back s'afternoon there were some plumbers in fixing the leak, at great length. However they said we had run out of town gas s'morning, so someone from the supplying company had been round to do "fixing" s'afternoon, so that was fixed and they were nearly finished fixing the independant leak