Wednesday 21 February 2018

Oh What Fun

Then after lunch I went out the back door to get the small bin things, I was stepping back in and I fell backwards off the step and had to be rescued by GGtGG. So I am currently sitting in hospital waiting to be seem and my right hand is a bit fscked
No apparently I have broken it. Hoo-fscking-fay
What fun. I can't tie my shoelaces, can barely pull my up trousers and zip up, can't look at my mobile phone unless I am by a desk, can't carry anything.....

But Good News

And GGtGG has just come in and said he called at gym on the way here and found out that there is no Aqua Fit class happening today, as it's half term


And I woke up s'morning and I had pissed in my bed. I wasn't even that drunk, I just had 2 glasses of wine last night
But it has put me in a bad mood, did-fscking-satisfied, grumpy now