Wednesday 27 July 2016

Right Hand

Today as usual I was sitting on the loo and my walking stick decided to fall over from its leaning position. Today I reached down with my right hand, got to within a couple of inches and it stopped moving. I thought and bent my knees and back a bit further and was able to reach and pick up my walking stick, off the floor, with my right hand.
For the first time in 15 or 16 years


Then we popped out for a walk around town. We parked on Lammas St. walked up a bit, someone said "Up the hill" but I said no, I wanted to walk around, up the steep bit past Iechyd Da, along King St and back down by the court building and back to the car. It was a relatively active walk but one that is so possible nowadays


So we are off to the pool in a bit. Not for Aqua Aerobics as she is crying out for the school summer holidays but just a session in the pool.
Protest, protest, protest. Aargh, it was full of kids, the changing rooms were full of tat that some kids had left behind etc. Not a happy chappy.