Thursday 15 August 2013


And I have won again now. Gosh my wins aren't coming close together but it happened

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

I won

And at last on Thursday night I won my first game of Solitaire since Tuesday night

Thank lord, I was beginning to think I must be stupid. 48 hours or so

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone


And we had to go out s'afternoon to buy, eventually - in the second place we called, a birthday cake carrier for Freya to take home the cake I made for her


So I went to Trysordy and today we had loads to do with an Acucut machine, winding the handle and it made tat into useful (saleable) bits


Gosh, sitting at the breakfast table I have just lost 3 games of solitaire. It is now Thursday morning, I played loads yesterday and I haven't won a game since Tuesday night

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone