Friday 8 November 2013


And we went out tonight, to the pub up the road and it was a lot busier tonight, 7 or 8 people in the just drinking beer section
And they recognised me and said "Hello" too


And Sam wasn't there for Gym class today. Some chap was instructing us and he was fine although he didn't do the pressing/getting down exercise with me.
I got the impression that although most people in the class are far advanced than me they haven't had to come so far so I think he is impressed with how far I have come
But my right foot wasn't behaving today...


So we went out early shopping and did out weekly shop at Aardvark, I didn't spend quite so much today but we still bought a fair amount of food


So I was half way through making breakfast s'morning when suddenly my pot of gooseberries tipped up and spilt everywhere. I rescued the ones on the surface but had to say goodbye to the ones all over the floor.
Luckily Alex was able to pick 'em up