Thursday 14 February 2013


And we had a veggie lasagne and oven chips for tea tonight and it was lovely. But I baked it, lifted it out of the oven and Ed had to portion it and lift it. I could lift it with one hand but not keep the tray still with the other.
I will have to ask Denyse if there is summat available to hold the dishes while I lift the food out of them


And as they measure my leg twice a day to check if it is getting much bigger thru infections, they measured it s'afternoon and it was the narrowest it has been since they started this measuring


And I had an appointment with the dental hygenist s'afternoon and she was quite impressed with how clean my teeth and gums look, she said there were no "crisis bits" this visit

Sarah Bailey

And I am awaiting a therapist who is coming to see me s'morning . Her name is Sarah Bailey and every time I think that I think "Sarah Bailey, little old lady".
Sorry, she isn't but I think this anyway
Still waiting, she is ¾ of an hour late....
Double Sigh. She had changed this to a next week appointment last week, I had the new appt in my diary but still with the old one too