Tuesday 26 April 2016


And for dinner tonight Alex was crying when I said there was a pan of curry so instead we had baked spuds with grated cheese and beans. It was delicious but the curry in the fridge...?


Then we went to gym and got stuck into various exercise machines etc. Today on the 'pedal by hand' machine I managed a full 10 minutes exercise, the longest I have managed in the past has been 6 of those minutes

Pick it up

Then s'morning we popped into the Doctors at the end of King St. and picked up my prescription, then I walked across and down to the chemist to have it made up
It seems like no time since this whole trip involved out of car, into wheelchair.... but for a couple of.... at a guess months, it has been walking
And we had to sit in the car for 5 minutes until the rain stopped at the first call, the sun was out by the time we finished in the chemist.

Quote From Ixion

And on the mailing list which eats up my life "someone" said about the do last weekend

>> It was good to see Neil the Hippy there sans wheelchair

And someone else replied

> Indeed it was, another mark of continuing recovery

Which was nice to read


And there was an outburst of hailstones s'morning. It's supposed to be becoming summer........
And an hour later the sun is bright from an almost cloudless blue sky.....
And 15 minutes later the sky looks grey and cloudy again......
10 minutes later it is nearly cloudless again...
(Not real photos, got them off the Interweb....)
And a few hours later this was the view from my bedroom window when I was settling down for my nap (real pic)


So again I ordered my fruit and veg from CMOrganics which will be delivered to Iechyd Da on Thursday