Tuesday 19 May 2015

Force Of Habit

So I am travelling about in my wheelchair as it's evening. So I zoom about with my right foot stuck out in front and propel with my left foot. But NO, my right foot works now, I should be using it. But force of habit....

That's What It Is

And while we were out we were passing loads and loads of a flower that I asked Timmy(?) if he recognised it t'other day and he said "No", but tonight as I was with Alex, and he said "Horses like it, it's called Hedge Parsley (1)" (as he feeds his wife's horses so knows about that). According to the interweb it can also be called Cow Parsley so they must like a nibble of it too
(1) Amongst other things e.g. Queen Anne's Lace

Oot For A Drive

And we nipped out for a drive. Turned off the main road, turned off again, I have no idea where we were but it looked good. And the rain stopped there too

What A Morning

So first of all we went to the hospital and drove round and round the car park and couldn't find a space.
So we drove off to gym. And got there too early so it was full of schoolkids having lessons. But pushing between them I managed 4 weight machines and a 20 min cycle
Then we tried hospital again, it was much quieter by now so we managed a parking spot and went in to cue for the blood sampler. Eventually he saw me, had some trouble finding a vein again, but succeeded in taking my samples which will be sent off to the testosterone Dr.