Sunday 4 September 2011

...Inside Her Insides

So I went next door earlier and had 2 cans of cider. Blinkin' flip, I was as pissed as if I had had about 7 cans of beer


And that Toby came and really enjoyed his dinner. He is starting college tomorrow, tomorrow. My first born is going to college, how old must I be then?


It occurred to me yesterday that of all the 8 or 10 people who live here I am the only one that has 'my staff' doing extra "stuff" all the time. One other resident has 2x2 hour sessions with "someone from an agency" but that is all, no-one has anything like my staff.


And last night my PC wasn't able to access Broadband, as in it wasn't able to access the Interweb. I phoned and spoke to someone and they said it should be fixed in a couple of hours, so I went to bed, woke up s'morning and the Broadband light on my router is blue again, it works again
But I wasn't awake enough, I woke up, went for a pee and instead of going back to bed like I wanted/needed I popped into the living room to see if Broadband was working again. By the time I had stopped cheering I was too awake to go back to bed