Sunday 19 November 2017


And my PC was getting slower and slower tonight, so I clicked "Restart" it restarted then couldn't get it together to open any page, neither mine or my email. So I had to go out to the hall and press the technical "Restart" on the router and as if by magic it all came back to life.

Blog Pics

And the way of putting pictures into Blog posts that eventually worked again last week has died again, it wouldn't work today


For ages.... at last

Feel Strange

And I just feel a bit odd tonight, well perhaps not odd, just a bit strange. As my Dad was here for the last couple of nights now tonight he's no longer here

Send Them Away

And we loaded into the car s'morning my freshly made bat box to go as a gift to Dink's wife, Nora, she is in charge of putting it up, as we don't own any trees and it's hard to find a bit of the house 10 ft off the ground and facing south


And today I suddenly realized that I was walking about the kitchen without my 'stick, again

Have A Banana

And I have just gone into kitchen for some snack type biscuits and instead found that I am a bit behind with eating bananas this week as I have been out at mealtimes with my Dad so I ate a banana instead
What is the world coming to

Stressful Morning

So MM put my FES on at 9 s'morning then we popped down and fetched Day. Immediately after the handover Roy drove us to Cardiff Airport where we dropped him off again.
It was just very strange, seeing him in a grieving state and pleased to see how well I am doing too. Odd and unpleasant but we did it
Well he has just txted me, Dink picked him up at the airport and he is safely home