Thursday 21 April 2016

Suddenly Busy

So s'morning we popped out s'morning to buy a new toilet thingy to fix the leak in the staff room loo that flooded last night. So first of all we went to Towy Works walked in, turned around looking, thought"WTF?", walked to the counter, showed the chap the broken thing we had brought, he said "Hang on" and went and fetched one.
Then we popped to Iechyd Da and picked up the delivered Organic Veg
Then we popped home and put the goods away.
Then we popped to gym where I did 6 minutes on the bike, said "Ohhh". Timmy said "Take it to 7 minutes", took it to 7 minutes and said "Nuff" then Timmy said "OK" but I tried to carry on more and the machine gave up. So I went homeNow Timmy has turned all the water off and is trying to fit the loo fixer piece
And he did fix it, put it all back together then last piece he realised that that should have been in the middle so he is now taking it all apart again to put that piece on
Aargh, well he finished and it flushes and doesn't leak so much but there us still a slight leak, so he gas set the old one on the side and left a note on it for Alex, the ex-plumber, so when he comes in he can hopefully properly fix it
It seems to have settled down into a "properly fixed" position now, it no longer leaks and is filling up faster