Tuesday 8 June 2010


I was a bit disconcerted by my visit by my daughter. Yes, she was beautiful, she was pleased to see me but my accident was more than half her life ago whereas it seems much more modern to me. Still it was good to see her, good also to cook for her again


So today it wasn't raining so I was able to go outside and do that "walk up and down the road until you get better" thing
And again and it's not even lunchtime!! And I went much further this time, from my flat to the bottom, turned around (as before) back up to my flat, past there to the top of the street, turned round again and walked all the way down to my flat
And a third time now, but it was harder so I just walked down and back up the hill, no going past my flat on the way bacck up

Tuesday Bloody Tuesday....

Ho hum, well I am bored now but later my beautiful daughter is coming in and she asked me to cook food for her again. So as long as I make enough for her, she has more than me but she is growing up ATM