Wednesday 30 April 2014


So we did nowt at gym today as we were sitting waiting to get the car back but as it all went well we will be back tomorrow, as usual


Then later we nipped out and bought 3 more lighting up things to replace the one in the front garden which needs fixing


So they contacted me last week and said "Bring your car in for MOT" we phoned them, they said "No need" but eventually they realised that my car needs MOTing last week, so today I have got to take it in. Dunno how successful it will be, if it is OK they will let me keep it for 3 years (cheaper) but if it is wonky they will insist on me having a new car. Denyse will phone them on Friday to find out
And I think it went well today, he said everything was fine so hopefully they will let me keep it