Monday 17 September 2012

Clap Hands

And as I am at an excellent folk club tonight I need reminding. After each song I am tapping my left hand on the table "No Neil you can clap again". I have been able to clap for 2 or 3 weeks, after 9 years of not being able to. I just can't recall

(sent from my phone)


And as recommended by Denyse I managed to get a free copy of a book about making the brain get better. I haven't read any yet but it may be useful tomorrow etc


And I am gonna go out Folking tonight because it is way too boring just being indoors here
And loadsa folks said "Missed you" etc so perhaps Burry Port should be more on my list...
And I told 'em another "poem"


And as I did my exercises s'afternoon we did mainly stretch hand/fingers exercises. Talk about being better? Yes, I am still rubbish with my right hand but a lot less rubbish that last month

Lost Sum Weight

Well, last night I was weighed again and this week I have lost 2 lbs. Slowly but surely, at least I lost some


And it was so cold in here s'morning that the heating switched itself on. It has switched off now but it was on first thing


So me and Ed nipped to Morrison's, got the shopping, tried some potato waffles and another kind of frozen spud that isn't an oven chipas we are trying to broaden my diet
And they were actually quite good