Monday 4 July 2016


Then later we headed down to Farmfoods and bought some more tea and coffee for the staff.  "We" also bought some sugar for them which makes me think "Well I stopped...." but there you are. I carried the basket the whole way round the shop but I was struggling with it at the end. However we queued and paid then I carried the bag out, that was so much easier. Obviously it is just the gripping things with my hand that I struggle with


So then we headed down to the pool. I was a bit nervous that she would make me pay for the second adult accompanying me but she didn't.
The only thing I can talk about is not using my wheelchair at all. Walked in, got changed, walked from there to pool etc
BUT if I do this for a few weeks more then I will 
be able to say that I no longer use a wheelchair.
And (crazy thought) give it back 


So I went to open the packet of nut roast that's in't freezer t'other night when I looked at the back of the packet and read "Serves 4". I thought "Oh no, who can I give it to" but last night it occured to me that next week I will have to feed me, a MOS and Roy all at the same time, so at a guess we can manage 1.3 portions each.

  • Eat less next day to keep my diet going but......

  • [sigh]

    So s'morning MM came in an hour early so he can tell Timmy how he has been getting on over the last few months. It's part of Timmy's role.
    THEN l8r Roy is coming in for the first of his "shadow shifts" where he will just be seeing what my team do to get him up to speed with his first proper shift in a few weeks. Part of the plan is to come to the 'wimming pool with us and just sit around and spectate. Next week his role will involve coming into the changing room with me etc