Saturday, 14 August 2010

Much happier

And my ex~ingrown toenail is so much better, I don't think I realized how shit it was feeling all the time. Even tho I haven't been walking today it is so much groovier, lets wait and see if I am walking tomorrow...


And Sam came over to see me to try and mend my PC today. Strangely enough he wasn't able to fix Office 2007 but instead reinstalled Office 200 on a CD I provided, which I hadn't realized the difference but..... And he is gonna send me a copy of 2007 when he's back in Manchester in 10 days


I am sitting in my wheelchair today as when I tried to walk this morning my right knee felt "Owww". So we will have to see how it is tomorrow


And this morning for only the second time since my accident I was able to change my bed without any help


Early to bed,
early to rise
makes a man,
healthy wealthy and wise