Wednesday 21 December 2016


And today I was just walking all about the kitchen w/out my stick, as I am so much getting better


Then after the opticians we went straight to the gym. First of all we had a cuppa tea to let me recover from the stress of optical testing. So again we did the upstairs device but this time I was able to walk up 16 flights of steps

Ho ho ho

Solstice Greetings

Eyes Tested

So s'morning I have an appointment with the optician to see about my eyes. I suspect that last time I was there they said "Your right eye is fscked" but since then it has been moving back towards a lined up position. It still isn't there completely, hence needing my eye patch, but I think it is half as far out of line as it was last time I saw the optician
Ooooh, he tested me for nearly an hour, loadsa tests. He said in the end that my right eye is still as far over as it was but it was radically better. Apparently I was able to read 3 lines further down on that reading chart thingy