Saturday 17 January 2015


And "we" won another crossword game tonight, poltergeist was the first answer that I got

Flowery Tools

And we tried that Amazon Viewing thingy tonight and watched the very first episode of Fawlty Towers, and it still made me smile


So we nipped out and went to all the supermarkets in Carmarthen that weren't the big two. I think we found three and nowhere sold Sweet Potato Oven Chips, Tesco has the monopoly.
I did buy some 'much cheaper' potato waffles from somewhere so Timmy can't complain too loudly

Leave It

And "we" put the bird feeder back out now the wind has dropped somewhat but it used the last of the feed to fill it, so after lunch we shall head to Wilko's and buy some more bird feed.
And distract me from the heating issue...
And we got some, a big bag, in Wilko for “not very much”

No Hot Water

And today the hot warer was leaking all over the utility room
And the landlord came out, fiddled, said "I will phone a plumber for Monday"...
Aaargh, the whole event has unsettled me, I just don't feel right....
So I don't have a bath today, tomorrow we will go to swimming pool, just have a shower then Monday it (hopefully) will be fixed