Sunday 30 December 2012

Drovers Arms

So as we were bored tonight we nipped into town to the Drovers Arms and watched darts on telly. I was out for ages, 3 double whiskeys, and didn't need a piss until after we had been indoors for about 15 minutes

Small Dinner

And for dinner tonight we just had 1/4 pound burgers in buns, which was very nice but it felt like we had too much bun, dunno what to do, toast it?

Christmas Videos

And into our Google Plus account "someone" has added loads of Xmas videos of me and my parents eating etc. Oh what fun we had

Saladless Lunch

And for lunch today I didn't have salad or toast. Shock horror. Because on the side in my kitchen is sitting a big box of unsweetened biscuits so I had 3 of these for lunch with a piece of cheese. OK, with loads of little bits of cut up cheese. It looks like this will be my lunch for the next week or two

(sent from my phone)