Friday 16 November 2012


Then today at about 3.30 we went shopping in Aardvark. Gosh it was even better than last week, I got veg and fruit etc, in all I spent about £40 on my weeks shopping, apart from the few I will spend in More Reasons on Monday^h^h^h^h^h^hTuesday
But I want all their extras but way too much sugar there

Sharpening Scissors

So after lunch I opened a parcel with scissors. They were really blunt and not cutting well. I thought "Add a new pair to my shopping list" but then I thought "No, I am well too tight fisted for this, I wonder, can I sharpen?"

Then that master Google was asked and on the first result it said "Cut some tin foil" and a few other tips, so I tried it. I thought cutting summat as thick and hardpressed as foil would make them blunter, but I followed the instructions and then tried them on a piece of cardboard.

Just WOW, it is like a new pair of scissors

Quiet Day

Nowt to do, nowt on until I go shopping about half three