Sunday 19 October 2014

Dinner Tonight

And eating out and in with my folks has thrown my weekly menu so we are having my usual Friday dinner (pizza) tonight but with sweet potato chips instead of the usual chip chips as I had chips t'other night and I am supposed to be cutting down
And my usual Saturday tea, which we are having later too, is roast veg and bits but it's Timmy working tomorrow so we will keep that to Tuesday

Weekly Shop

Then after my parents left we had time to go to More Reasons To Shop At... where I bought the few bits I hadn't been able to buy organically with my Aardvark shop on Friday

Emergency Shop

And we went out with my parents to Dunelm and bought some stuff for the kitchen, a case for the scissors and a stand for kitchen roll

Watch It

And last night I decided to try this thingy that they sent me a letter about last week, there are hundreds of TV programs/films on in so at a guess I watched Dads Army episode 1 the original and it wasn't bad