Tuesday 28 January 2014


And tomorrow with Paul we are going to look at a house which at a guess is a bit lovely. A bit pricey but it has been on the market for a year so far so hopefully they will take some persuasion. I will have f. all to do with buying, if I like the look of it I will contact Anthony, give him the details, and wait for him to buy it for me. Hopefully


And I have just eaten the first of the extra fruit I bought 'cos there were no small apples and it was lovely, a kiwi-fruit. I don't think I have eaten any in about 12 years and YUM YUM


So we went back to gym s'afternoon, for an exercise session rather than a class, and by god did I work. The Testosterone seems to be working, I was hardly out of breath even after working out harder than ever.
This fitness thingy is a bit of a difference, in just a few weeks


So me and Gareth headed into Cantre Mobility to see why my bath chair replacement hadn't been delivered. After much looking up they said "Whoever took the order from you did no more" so they said they will order it now and hopefully I should have it by the weekend.
So then we had to go to Wilkinsons and get a load more gloves because they use 3 pairs a day taking care of me ATM