Friday 4 September 2015

The News

And every time I have seen "the news" today it has been full of eastern crises, dunno, I can't watch it, it makes me wanna cry....

For Sara

And I had my first session of 'Doing what Sara told me' so I did loadsa exercises to make my right leg stronger at the back. So I lay down and GGtGG strapped the weight onto my ankle....


So we went to Sam's Gym Class over lunchtime and just wow, how much am I still recovering years after my accident


So we nipped to Aardvark and walked from car across the road and in. There I got everything on my list, no problem etc
And Paul was so impressed with my French carrier  bag that he took a pic of me holding it

All The Better.....

So yesterday as Sara was leaving I went outside to wave and saw my neighbour who called across "How r u? I know, all the better for seeing me!" and Sara said "You say that to someone else do you.....?"