Tuesday 30 November 2010

Prog Rock

I seem to have moved on from Punk now to Prog Rock. I have been listening to Marillion tonight. And good god, despite the fact that much of my memory is a bit wonky I remembered all the words, for songs that I haven't heard in a number of years

Came To See Me

And a beautiful visitor came to see me today which was nice. For dinner we had summat I had made and couscous with stuff in it. I may have cooked it before but I haven't cooked it for a number of years now and it was delicious


Pistols. Yes, I have bought 4 albums of them today, dunno why my head was being punk but it was/is


Thought there was supposed to be a blizzard last night?

But anyway, I feel trapped, I am moderately immobile at the best of times and I am stuck now, I can't even go and put my bin out tomorrow