Friday 31 December 2010


Happy New Year (Noisy)


And tonight I was invited down to no 7 for a dinner, there was loads of roasted veggie stuff, hummus, salad, it was delicious, and I took a hip flask full of Whiskey Mac with me, even nicer


I asked a MOS s'morning if anyone was going to town. He said "Yes AJ is going to Aardvark". Which made me very happy on two fronts, 1) It's just around the corner from Sheffield House which is where I was gonna try and send a MOS if they were going into Carmarthen at all, and 2) I said to her that I used to work there ages ago so please say "If anyone remembers him that Neil says hello"
And she did, so I was able to stick up various calendars and pics of Freya and the kids. Then I figured out how to make 4 or 5 pictures into an animated gif which looks impressive on a web page