Wednesday 16 May 2018

Recording Sound

And I spent ages today trying to find different ways/techniques for recording sound so perhaps I could have a stronger method. No such luck but I rediscovered how to video/record sound on my camera which I can then convert to sound files. Dunno why I did that, just rediscovering
For future rediscovery you just have to press the small video camera picture button next to main button on top of my camera. Then "up" arrow to play it back

Walkies (AGAIN!!!)

And we popped to town for walkies again tonight. So we parked on Lammas St and instead of going up the hill we walked along Lammas St and down Mansel St and then up the hill past Iechyd Da and then back down to the car.
Oh, it was a different route but still as much fun as ever


Well we are off to the pool s'afternoon for an hours workout

Hot Water At Kettle

Aaah. T'was much easier making my brew s'morning, just able to heat my mug up, didn't have to reboil the kettle etc