Sunday 4 November 2012

Watching S4C

So I was looking at "What's on telly" but I thought "The only program that seems interesting is the rugby but it will be in Welsh, it's on S4C". Timmy said "Wait until it is fully loaded now press the red button" and an English commentary came on. Apparently it's only for sports but it is there


So at half six s'morning there was thunder and lightning, about an hour ago there was bare blue sky from one side to t'other, now it's raining heavily

Second Morning In A Row

And today is the second morning in a row when I haven't needed an Andrex Washlette to wipe my bum. For the first time in 9.5 years I have dun it two mornings in a row

Another quiet day

Then we had a Sunday, not much is happening, a restful day again