Tuesday 8 May 2012


Then later that Toby came back and "we" together nagged him into making a vegetable bake for our dinner which was reasonably nice when he finished. Dunno how worth while it was teaching him as it is too much preparation for me living alone but he did learn how to make a white sauce (or cheese sauce) so it wasn't too bad.
And we have a plan for cooking next week too, now
DoubleAnd he took a brief juggling lesson from Paul, I didn't know either of them could juggle


And as apparently I fell asleep in't car on the way home last night I will accept that I need a 30 minute nap every day.

For now.....


So with Paul first of all we went to the gym where a number of people told me how much I have improved in the few months I have been going.
And my foot in splint felt a bit odd, to me it felt like it was turning over wrongly but on inspection it seemed to be sitting properly, the right way round.
Then we had a sandwich in the cafe there and Becky from the gym came up and asked permission to video me next week to be an example in a text book.

Then we went and drove around looking at houses I will be looking inside on Friday

Then we picked up that Toby and brought him here for a shower then we will take him back when he is finished then he will go and sign on then come back and cook dinner for me