Monday 4 August 2014


And Denyse emailed me today with my PIN for the car. Not too excited but...... I feel a bit strange. I was given a car 3 years ago, given, and I have used and abused it, now I will give it back and be given another


And we had to go to Lloyd's TSB and tell 'em that my petty cash card had stopped working. She looked at it in a machine and said "Yes, will order u a new one, confirm your address?" but there was no confusion with Anthony's address and name etc, so I should get it in a few days. So I will have to transfer cash to my account to cover the deposit for my car and pay it on my card but that's fine


And we went swimming today. (*****). Oh it was such fun being in a way too busy swimming pool with loads of kids. But we did it, 4 lengths and loads of stretches and balances which even impress me