Tuesday 26 August 2014


And I found a copy of HHGTTG episode 1, just the first episode and I am really enjoying it. Landlord of the pub had just called "Last orders" as the world is about to end according to one of his customers
Aargh, when I saw him I recalled what he was called (but my spelling was a bit weird) "Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz"!!!


So me and TT set off to check out the house from indoors s'morning. Timy said "No point taking your wheelchair" but I said "Yes, even if I am walking check out door width" which we did, he pushed my chair inside the house but I didn't sit in it. The house seems nice but the only thing is the width of doors, dunno, will get some more advice on it.
Then before we came back for lunch we went to gym where I cycled much further than I have managed before, nearly 4Km we managed today
And walking out of gym afterwards I bumped into that Ruth which was nice. I wasn't walking when she saw me last but I was today. She was spectating while her son was in't pool

T'was Broken, but I fixed it

Last night when I was going to bed my bedside lamp had blown. I thought “Shall I ask for help? Naw too late” turned the overhead light off and felt my way to bed.
S'morning I got up, thought “Where's the spare?“ and changed it and fixed it before I had breakfast or even saw TechnoTimmy