Wednesday 26 September 2012

Off Out

So tonight I am venturing out to a monthly folk night in Blue Parrot, Carmarthen
And it was as excellent as to be expected. But someone had tidied up the recipes for the "cochtails" so I made do with a pint of rather nice scrumpy cider. Or 2 or 3


And then I was thinking "Missing you already for when you leave" as he cut my hair again

Nokia Suite

And I said to Ed "I downloaded this tool to transfer txt messages onto my PC but it wouldn't work - look" clicked the program again and it did work today which it wouldn't do last night


So s'morning I had to go to the dentist, to see a dentist and a hygenist. I forgot to ask the hygenist whether my teeth were looking clean enuf but.....
The dentist did say that I was much better at walking than last time she saw me and I said "Give me a couple more months then I will be able to chase you!"
But she did say "Oh filling there, make another appointment" which I did